SH3 Check Back
Run 218
Space Family
Javel, Så var det klart for et nytt SH3 løp. Denne gangen nummer 218 i rekken. Oppmøte var i Barliveien 2b, Hos Space Family.
Gagarin, ET-Fon home og Laika.
Klokken nærmet seg 1500, og MICHELL MY BELL og WHAT A FUCK var de eneste som stilte opp. GM, SCAR var i Thailand, noen på Hovden og andre satt og slapp av på øya. FY-FY
Etter noen ØL i 2b, startet vi løpet. Ned mot Vågsbygd senter med på følgene ØL STOPP ved Vågsbygd hallen. Etter ØL og avslapping, mistet vi ET-Fon home, hun gikk hjem for og lage Thai mat. Thailandsk rekesuppe med tilbehør. Vi forsatte videre mot Auglandsbukta for ØL STOPP 2. Litt Kjølig ved sjøen. ØLENE gikk fort ned og videre rundt forbi i Vågsbygda. Med en ekstra VIN STOPP rett for Barliveien 2b og ON-IN.
Masse god mat og ØL hos Space Family. Takk til kokken ET. Sirkel kom i gang etter vert. ET-Fon home måtte drikke av Laika sine nye sko. Se bilder på SH 3 Homepage og resten av DOWN-DOWN`ene.
Space Family.
Sees i Mjøndalen (Outstation run)26/4-08
Check Back
Welcome to the Scandihooligan hash house
harriers Monthly Hashsheet.
Scandihooligan HHH Run No. 207
Date : April 28, 2007
Hares : Flashing Smashing Titties
SoS Penis
Location : Mjøndalen (Outstation)
The run number (not quite ‘007’ – but pretty close: ‘207’) indicated already something special and, so it was.
As it was:
- the first SH4 outstation run in 2007.
- the highest turnout of a SH4 in 2007,
- the first name giving of a SH4 member in 2007,
- the first skinny dipping in 2007
- highest day temperatures and as such the highest consumption of piss (but more of that later) in
2007 so far.
- joined by an over 40 year old Virgin.
The majority of the pack arrived in Drammen already on Friday and warmed up for the hash run well in advance. The GM was so far ahead and still loaded from the heavy night before that on Saturday morning at 10am his mind was already at 2pm confusing those hardworking Germanic migrant workers……………….. but also that is another story………
The run started at GMT (= GM Time) from the hares’ house and the well marked trail with some checks was winding through a residential area down to the river. At another check, with only 2 options it was not unusual sight that Bushman’s choice was wrong again as he tried to solve it by following it in the wrong direction……Advise: Don’t follow Bushman!
As a big relieve for the pack the first beer stop was reached soon after:
A perfect spot at the river with a great view over to the nearby hills was of great value for some the visitors who had never run in that part of the Kingdom while the majority of the pack rather enjoyed the cool, amber, beverage served with a smile.
The trail continued up stream where Stefan and Dead Mouse being the FRB’s had to solve the obvious ‘Titti Check’ themselves. Where was GT when you really need her? From good authority later it was reported that Stefan got lost and found no way.
Ice Cream Baby and Virgin Elisabeth (Rumours were confirmed that she only had been a ‘Hash virgin’ as she admitted to be the mother of Harriet ‘Flashing Smashing Titties’) swept the trail making sure nobody was left behind.
One of the numerous early morning brews appeared to generate that much body heat that the GM opened the outdoor freshwater swimming by stripping completely and jumping into the river to cool down .
Visual evidence of some exposed body parts later confirmed that the water temperature was close to freezing although the warm sunny weather and blue sky gave an impression of being somewhere close to the Mediterranean Sea in summer rather than in Scandinavia during April. The swim must have done something good to the GM as he, with second wind, was back on the trail trying to catch up with the pack.
Near a sports field a reunion of the entire pack was celebrated by having the 2nd beer stop including the Scandihooligan version of ‘Singing in the rain’…………..
The final part of the trail completed the loop of a very environmental friendly run, no shiggy, no dogs with rabies, no snakes no climbing of walls or fences nor the potential of getting lost in the forest.
At the ONIN the pack formed a circle around the well cooled furniture required by the GM ‘Scar w/t 2 Ts’ to award the down downs.
R.A. Bushman on a ‘closet clearing mission’ handed out some of his Hash T-shirts he had earned running the jungle trails around Thailand and the red light areas in Bangkok. The Harriets, including Hash Virgin Elisabeth, openly enjoyed the handover of the T-shirts very much to the delight of the entire pack.
Only on his 2nd hash run ever Stefan already qualified and, with blessing of the GM, the R.A and the Hare, was hash-baptised to his hash name ‘No-way’ (see above).
The swim in the river must have drained the GM to such an extend that after a few down downs he faded away………… only being more thirsty after regaining conscious.
The BBQ in the Hare’s garden accompanied with a never ending supply of CB Brew continued long after sunset. This was followed with some more drinks inside the Hare’s house and continuous serious bullshitting till long after 2am………….
A generous invitation by hash virgin Elisabeth for a delicious lunch at her mansion next to the forest on Sunday rounded up a great hash weekend.
Thank you to the Hares! And beware: SH4 will come again !!
See you all to Run No.208 on May 26 2007.